Vol. 10 No. 4: 2023
Original Manuscript
Devoid Elites and the Need for a New Elite Configuration: An Analysis of Post-Soviet Societies on the Example of Azerbaijan
Abstract views: 614 /
PDF downloads: 306
Empowering Students via Autoethnography Assignment: Fostering Inclusive Communities for Gender and Sexuality in Social Inequality Class
Abstract views: 556 /
PDF downloads: 493
The Arts and Individual and Collective Agency: A Brazilian Favela Case Study
Abstract views: 555 /
PDF downloads: 298
Kazakhstan’s Society Modernization in Response to the 21st Century Global Challenges: The Material Aspect and the Shifting Discourse Issue
Abstract views: 533 /
PDF downloads: 241
The Relationship between Emotional Expression, Life Satisfaction, and Psychological Resilience in Gay Men in Turkey
Abstract views: 1227 /
PDF downloads: 485
The Three Facets of Xenophobia in Post-Apartheid South Africa: The Migrant, the State, and the Local Citizen. A Reflection
Abstract views: 1307 /
PDF downloads: 346
Breathing the Air of Their Ancestors: The Influence of Ethnic-Racial Identity on School Connectedness for Native American Youths
Abstract views: 1663 /
PDF downloads: 418
Community, Identity, and Mobility of Eastern European Roma: A Systematic Review 2002-2022
Abstract views: 468 /
PDF downloads: 310
Initiating Intercultural Communicative Competence through Telecollaboration: A Case of Language-Exchange Classrooms of Arabic and English
Abstract views: 549 /
PDF downloads: 349
Challenging the Supported Curriculum: Faculty Members’ Attitudes toward Caribbean and Louisiana Content in Undergraduate French and Spanish Textbooks
Abstract views: 387 /
PDF downloads: 173
The Cultural Universe of the Nuaulu Tribe: A Testament to Commitment to Unity, Tradition, and Mutual Trust
Abstract views: 647 /
PDF downloads: 505
Cultural Resilience and Syncretism: The Towani Tolotang Community's Journey in Indonesia's Religious Landscape
Abstract views: 1100 /
PDF downloads: 758