Vol. 8 No. 3: 2021
Original Manuscript
Postsecondary Instructors’ Reflective Teaching Practices Pertaining to Gender Differences and Teaching Experience
Abstract views: 772 /
PDF downloads: 339
Developing Capital in Language Learning: A Mixed-Method Study on Vietnamese English Learners
Abstract views: 968 /
PDF downloads: 491
Best Practices to Address Inequities in Academic Support in the University Access Program
Abstract views: 473 /
PDF downloads: 314
Transforming the Reading Preferences of Today’s Youth in the Digital Age: Intercultural Dialog
Abstract views: 1739 /
PDF downloads: 692
Personal Well-Being, Mental Resilience and Emotional Intelligence in First- and Second-Generation Druze in the Golan Heights
Abstract views: 528 /
PDF downloads: 309
Stratification of Youth Employment and Departure Abroad with the Purpose of Work: Kazakhstan and Neighboring Countries
Abstract views: 45418 /
PDF downloads: 361
English Café: An Initiative to Encourage Undergraduate Learners of Al-Asyah Province to Showcase Their Spoken Proficiency in English
Abstract views: 643 /
PDF downloads: 335
Cultural and Language Effects of Migration: The Case of Migrants and Chuvash People in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia)
Abstract views: 496 /
PDF downloads: 376
Relations Between Bicultural Attitudes, Paternal Versus Maternal Acceptance, and Psychological Adjustment of Ethnic Minority Youth in Bangladesh
Abstract views: 6669 /
PDF downloads: 229
Human Capital and Sustainable Development in a Religious Context
Abstract views: 641 /
PDF downloads: 420
Systematic Literature Review on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship: Citation and Thematic Analysis
Abstract views: 1545 /
PDF downloads: 734
Multicultural Education of Autochthons and Migrants in Russia
Abstract views: 788 /
PDF downloads: 347
A Time-Lag Study on Perceived Threat of COVID-19 in Hindu Religious Community: Moderating Role of Hindu Religious Coping
Abstract views: 1061 /
PDF downloads: 486
Public Spaces and Conflict Transformation: From Mostar’s Old Bridge to Its United World College
Abstract views: 747 /
PDF downloads: 292
Positive Religious Coping, Cultural Anthropology of Women Rights and Well-Being of Hindu Women in Bali Indonesia: Mediation of Socio-Economic Women Rights
Abstract views: 693 /
PDF downloads: 481
Citizenship and Human Rights Within the Scope of Values Education
Abstract views: 578 /
PDF downloads: 344
Learning Worship as a Way to Improve Students’ Discipline, Motivation, and Achievement at School
Abstract views: 6893 /
PDF downloads: 728