Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies <p style="font-size: 14px;" align="justify"><em>Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies</em> (E-ISSN: 2149-1291) is a peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary academic international journal edited in the United States and publishing four issues per volume. The journal publishes theoretical, methodological, and empirical research from all disciplines dealing with ethnicity and culture. Concerned primarily with critical reviews of current research, JECS enables a space for questions, concepts, and findings of formative influence in ethnic and cultural studies. The journal accepts article submissions <a href=""><strong>online</strong></a> or by <a href=""><strong>e-mail</strong></a>.</p> en-US <p style="font-size: 18px;" align="justify"><sub>By submitting a manuscript to JECS, authors agree to transfer without charge the following rights to JECS upon acceptance of the manuscript: first worldwide publication rights and the right for JECS to grant permissions as JECS editors judge appropriate for the redistribution of the article, its abstract, and its metadata in professional indexing and reference services. Any revenues from such redistribution are used solely to support the continued publication and distribution of articles.</sub></p> (Abdurrahman Kaplan (Administrative Assistant)) (Hamdi Alanay) Sat, 22 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0300 OJS 60 Inviting Culture into Her Wellness: The Moderating Effects of African Centered Coping on Suicide Risk Factors Among Black Women <p>There is a need for greater emphasis to be placed on the lived experiences of Black women in psychological research, and more specifically, Black women’s experiences with suicide ideation. Despite having the lowest suicide rates, prior research indicates an increase in suicide ideation among Black women and girls. The current study aims to evaluate the moderating effects of Black women’s implementation of culturally specific ways of coping (i.e., Africultural coping skills) to pinpoint protective strategies against interpersonal suicide risk factors, thwarted belongingness, and perceived burdensomeness. 99 (<em>M </em>age = 23) cisgender African American/Black women were surveyed, and results indicated that spiritual centered coping both significantly and negatively moderated the relationship between perceived burdensomeness and suicide ideation (<em>B</em> = -0.00,<em> t</em> = -2.29,<em> p</em> = .02, 95% CI [-.0085, -.0006]). Additionally, ritual centered coping significantly and negatively moderated the relationship between perceived burdensomeness and suicide ideation (<em>B</em> = -.009, <em>t</em> = -2.05,<em> p</em> = .04, 95% CI [-.0179, -.0003]). Findings suggest that spiritual and ritual centered coping can be protective strategies for Black women by weakening the relationship between suicide ideation and the interpersonal suicide risk factor perceived burdensomeness.</p> Vanessa Oliphant, LaRicka Wingate, Olufunke Benson Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Language Branding: A Methodological Approach to Measuring the Brand of the Basque Language <p>This article introduces a pioneering concept in the field of language promotion: language branding. Branding mechanisms offer a novel framework for modernizing and enhancing linguistic planning efforts. Drawing on brand analysis theories from the commercial domain, this study develops a methodology to assess the brand image of languages. Addressing brand image is essential, as the construction of a language's brand can significantly influence speaker preferences. The research presents the first applied case by analyzing the brand image of the Basque language, a minority language supported by an organized revitalization movement with both institutional and grassroots backing. The study employs an innovative methodology rooted in branding literature, adapting it to the linguistic field through a combination of qualitative exploratory methods (focus groups) and quantitative brand measurement techniques (surveys). The Basque language brand is evaluated across several hierarchical dimensions: awareness, associations, attitudes, attachment, and activity. The results reveal that Basque enjoys a high level of emotional attachment among speakers. However, its brand associations remain heavily tied to a symbolic and mythical traditional imagery, which limits its perception as a practical tool for everyday communication.</p> Estitxu Garai-Artetxe, Irati Agirreazkuenaga, Irene García-Ureta, Sergio Monge, Angeriñe Elorriaga-Illera, Ainara de Miguel, Amaia Paniagua Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Content and Language Teaching: An Evolving Pedagogy for Vietnamese English-Medium Lecturers <p>Content and language teaching has been widely applied in language education. The recent popularity of content and language-integrated learning (CLIL) and English-medium (EMI) courses has caused increasing research interest in exploring the relationships between language and content for an effective pedagogy. However, content and language-based teaching is elusive regarding contextual, disciplinary, and personal diversity, resulting in mixed classroom practices. Based on a questionnaire with 72 EMI lecturers, this paper explores the evolving nature of content and language teaching and how these EMI lecturers translated its teaching principles into practice. The findings revealed that most EMI lecturers perceived their dual role of supporting content and language development in EMI courses partly translated into classroom practices. Classroom activities primarily focused on lecturing, and language support strategies were integrated with content learning. The paper concludes with implications for teaching and further research.</p> Thi Thanh Nha Vu Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Intertextuality in Modern Kazakh Prose: Enhancing Cultural Identity and Academic Success in Higher Education <p>This study aims to determine how the Intertext in Modern Kazakh Prose teaching methods applied in second-year university literature courses affect students' academic success and attitudes toward cultural values in literature. The study employed a pre-test-post-test experimental model, incorporating a control group using a quasi-experimental model. The study sample comprised 54 students in the second year of the literature department of a university in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The success of the research groups in Intertext in Modern Kazakh Prose was evaluated, and an attitude scale regarding cultural values in literature was applied. The experimental and control groups received the same test and scale as a post-test after the five-week application period. The IBM SPSS v26 package program was used to perform a Mann-Whitney U Test analysis of the data. The research revealed that intertextual teaching methods effectively developed students' academic achievement and cultural attitudes in higher education. The experimental group exposed to intertextual approaches made significant progress compared to the control group following traditional ones. The results suggest that educators should equip themselves with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to effectively apply intertextual methods and consider the usability of these methods for cultural awareness through literature. In terms of future research, long-term studies examining the permanent effects of intertextual teaching methods on students' academic and cultural development are recommended.</p> Sandugash Bekpenbetova, Shynar Satkenova, Zhanarka Ibrayeva, Olzhas Zholdybayev, Saule Yerzhanova, Bagdagul Seyitova Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Masala and Misogyny: A Qualitative Study of South Asian American Women’s Ethnic-Racial Identity <p>The present study explores the lived experiences of South Asian American women and what elements shape their ethnic-racial identity (ERI). Particularly, it discovers what push and pull factors encourage South Asian American women to lean towards or away from their ERI. This qualitative study used an open-ended survey to gather responses from 38 South Asian American women. Our qualitative study findings suggest that there are diverse elements of South Asian culture that encourage South Asian American women to embrace and/or reject parts of their ERI. Data analysis revealed that cultural aspects are impactful elements (e.g., food, music, community) that sustain South Asian American women’s connection with their ERI. Alternatively, the presence of patriarchy, misogyny, and feeling “othered” are factors that disengage South Asian American women from their ERI. Findings from this study contribute to the ongoing and vital expansion of the discussion of ERI and tap into the nuances of South Asian American women’s ERI.</p> Hena K. Wadhwa, Neesha Daulat, Christine O’Brien Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Pakistani Newspapers Representation of Religious Groups <p>Pakistan is a multi-religious and multicultural society, home to Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and followers of other prominent faiths. This diversity extends beyond religious distinctions to encompass cultural and ethnic variations. Media, particularly newspapers, play a crucial role in shaping public perceptions of these religious groups, emphasizing the importance of impartial and responsible journalism. This study conducts a content analysis of 84 news articles from leading Pakistani newspapers to scrutinize the portrayal of religious groups. The Findings reveal an unequal distribution of media coverage, with Christians receiving the highest attention compared to other non-Muslim groups. While the portrayal of non-Muslim groups is predominantly positive (90.5%), instances of anti-Ahmadi content reflect complexity in media narratives. The findings note a significant focus on the well-being of religious groups and their contributions to society, with 85.7% of articles highlighting religious events. The positive representation reflects broader societal discourse acknowledging diverse contributions and cultural expressions. However, the study raises critical questions about editorial decisions, journalistic priorities, and societal dynamics influencing media narratives.</p> Mokhtar Elareshi, Mohammed Habes, Sana Ali Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Social Welfare of Rural Communities as a Function of Social Workers’ Empowerment <p>Social workers play an important role in uplifting rural communities’ living standards. Considering the important role of social work services in dealing with the existence of potential issues of poverty and poor economic conditions in rural communities, more specifically in emerging economies, the current study integrated the community-based targeting view with empowerment theory to determine the social workers’ role in achieving community welfare in rural areas. Using rural household survey data from 597 households from 15 rural communities in two provinces of Indonesia, modern statistical tools, that is, SmartPLS analyzed the data. Results showed that social workers’ work relationships, skills and varieties, and moral alignment with rural communities enhance their empowerment qualities. The empowerment of social workers further transmits the significance of their role in helping rural communities bring economic development and welfare by providing basic needs of education, health facilities, employment opportunities, etc. The current study findings are valuable for practitioners and policymakers, specifically for focusing on rural community development programs by utilizing social workers' efforts and extending their social networks to extract maximum benefits.</p> Dewi Kurniasih, Maisya Chaluela Anjani Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Starfall as a Catalyst for Kuwaiti EFL Young Learners’ Reading Comprehension: A Teacher’s Reflections <p>This study examines the effect of a Starfall-based instructional program on second-grade pupils’ reading comprehension in a Kuwaiti public school in the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024. The participants were divided into a control group taught conventionally per the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and an experimental group taught using Starfall-based instruction. Using an observation card and a teacher’s journal, the research highlights improvements in the experimental group’s engagement, motivation and comprehension. Emerging themes include increased student participation, improved classroom dynamics, and technology integration as a catalyst for literacy. The findings emphasize the potential of interactive applications, of which Starfall is one, to support EFL instruction. The researchers put forth practical recommendations for incorporating technology in the early-grade EFL classroom, as the findings provide valuable insights for educators aiming to innovate EFL teaching practices.</p> Ruba Bataineh, May Al-Ghareeb Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Ethnic Narratives in Education: The Role of Kazakh Epics in Preserving Cultural Heritage and Identity <p>The study examined the effects of teaching activities, including Kazakh Epics and mythopoetic images, on the participants’ national value achievements and attitudes towards the course in literature courses in Kazakhstan. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test, post-test, and a control group. The dependent variables were the national value achievement scale and literature course attitudes. The independent variable was the teaching activities based on Kazakh Epics and mythopoetic images in the second-year courses of the literature department of a university in Almaty. The national value achievement and attitude scales were used to collect data, which were analyzed with covariance analysis. The results showed a statistically significant improvement in students’ national value achievement scores in the experimental group exposed to Kazakh Epics and mythopoetic images. The study’s findings pave the way for recommendations for integrating culturally meaningful narratives into education. First, culturally rich content such as Kazakh Epics should be included in Kazakhstan’s literature departments’ curriculum, and policymakers and curriculum developers should prioritize the creation of teaching materials that emphasize these epics’ historical, ethical, and literary aspects. Second, the accessibility of these materials should be increased, and their compatibility with contemporary educational goals should be ensured. Third, teacher training programs should be reorganized to emphasize culturally sensitive pedagogical approaches. Though this study was localized, the research results can be applied to education systems in different geographies to develop cultural identity and values.</p> Ayazhan Toibazar, Gulnaz Dautova, Yerbol Aliyev, Talgat Turdali, Kanagat Zhalgasbayeva Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300 Assessing Artificiality: A Probe into the Basis for Indian Nationhood <p>While students of nationalism, ardent primordialists aside, will be fully aware that <em>all</em> nations are, at their core, artificial constructs, there is nonetheless an implicit acceptance that some nations are more artificial than others. To suggest that certain nations are more artificial than others is not, on its own, an absurd claim, providing, of course, that appropriate criteria are used to measure this “artificiality” against. One country that has had to bear such charges is India, namely because, it is said, its people are far too diverse to be realistically considered members of a singular nation and because it lacks sufficient antiquity as a nation. This article will seek to respond to such charges by providing a glimpse into India’s past and ancient belief systems that many laypeople remain ignorant of, the knowledge of which will significantly help to challenge the claim that India is nothing but an artificial construct.</p> Shyamal Kataria Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0300