Teacher's Strategy for Implementing Multiculturalism Education Based on Local Cultural Values and Character Building for Early Childhood Education

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  • Dharlinda Suri
  • Dharnita Chandra Universitas Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia




multicultural education, local culture, learning strategies, character building, Indonesia.


The introduction of multicultural education based on local cultural values and school-level character building in early childhood education is essential so that children can recognize the diversity around them, be it ethnic, ethnic, religious, race, or culture. This field research of early childhood education teachers in Lampung, Indonesia, sought to determine the learning strategies teachers used in implementing multicultural education based on local cultural values and character-building at the level of early childhood education. The study found that teachers in early childhood education used contribution, enrichment, transformation, and problem-based learning strategies. While these four strategies can develop conducive learning conditions that consider students' uniqueness, a teacher needs a clear vision and goals to facilitate multicultural education. Early childhood education must provide knowledge and help develop attitudes and behaviors for all students and school members to foster and implement educational interactions based on multiethnic and multicultural values in the school environment.


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How to Cite

Suri, D., & Chandra, D. (2021). Teacher’s Strategy for Implementing Multiculturalism Education Based on Local Cultural Values and Character Building for Early Childhood Education. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 8(4), 271–285. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejecs/937



Original Manuscript
Received 2021-08-21
Accepted 2021-09-25
Published 2021-10-08