Ethnic Identity Formation Among Students in Post-High-School Religious Gap-Year Programs in Israel

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  • Gai Halevy Herzog college
  • Zehavit Gross Bar-Ilan university



Ethnic identity, identity formation, identity development, Israeli Modern Orthodox, emerging adulthood


The aim of this study is to test changes in ethnic identity from two points of view, focusing on Marcia's identity status model and the ethnic identity literature. Based on 135 participants who completed the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) questionnaires at two-time intervals, stability was found at the mean level, while stability, progression and regression were found at the individual level. Transitions from moratorium into achievement were found more than to diffusion and status changes derived mainly following changes in the commitment component. In line with Erikson's theory, the results highlight the effect of the sociocultural context on the identity formation process and the need to examine changes in identity formation processes over time, both at the mean level and the individual level. These findings could be relevant to other countries that are going through similar processes of demographic changes in which the minority challenges the hegemony of the majority.


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How to Cite

Halevy, G., & Gross, Z. (2022). Ethnic Identity Formation Among Students in Post-High-School Religious Gap-Year Programs in Israel. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 9(2), 81–95.



Original Manuscript
Received 2021-08-20
Accepted 2022-04-09
Published 2022-04-11