Curricula for Sustainability in Higher Education

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  • Jessica Phillips Marcolini Florida Gulf Coast University



sustainability, curriculum, education, Book Review, interdisciplinary


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Author Biography

Jessica Phillips Marcolini, Florida Gulf Coast University

Jessica Phillips Marcolini, M.S., is an Instructor in the Department of Integrated Studies at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and teaches courses in environmental science, civic engagement and sustainability. She uses the FGCU campus as a living laboratory and incorporates service-learning within her courses to engage students with the community. Her research focuses on the Scholarship of Teacher and Learning (SoTL) with an emphasis on service-learning, gamification, and sustainability professional development. Jessica is an active member of the advisory council for FGCU’s signature course, University Colloquium – A Sustainable Future, and continues to encourage integration of sustainability across the curriculum through faculty professional development. She is a board member for Streets Alive of Southwest Florida whose mission is to foster a livable community through activities, advocacy, education and service. 


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How to Cite

Marcolini, J. P. (2017). Curricula for Sustainability in Higher Education. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 4(2), 102–104.



Book Reviews
Received 2017-12-11
Accepted 2017-12-18
Published 2017-12-29