Parent Voices: Suggestions for Remote Learning during COVID Pandemic and Beyond

COVID-19, parents, pandemic, remote learning, school closures, suggestionsAbstract
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ways in which teachers educated students drastically changed beginning in early 2020. Educators were challenged to provide synchronous classes, asynchronous instruction, and also teach students without the use of the internet. Limited research investigating parents’ experiences and suggestions for remote learning has been conducted, yet they are a significant partner in providing remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study sought to gain insight from parents by asking the question: How would you like educators to support you with teaching your kids at home during COVID-19 school closures? Results from 122 online survey showed that educators could adapt how they provide assignments/tasks regarding differentiation, instructions, and modality; make additional considerations for how families, students, and teachers communicate and access materials; and indicated a variety of reactions to remote learning such as satisfaction, teacher mindsets of understanding and flexibility, and the format of school during COVID-19. Recommendations stemming from the data have the ability to impact future remote learning related to COVID-19 or additional school closures as a result of weather and professional development.Downloads
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Accepted 2021-07-17
Published 2021-08-06