Citizenship and Human Rights Within the Scope of Values Education
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citizenship, democratic education, human rights education, social studies, values education.Abstract
Using a social studies course with an interdisciplinary approach and organizing the program in conjunction with this circumstance means that the social studies curriculum can find its place in the real world because interdisciplinary nature enhances its value. The definition of the National Council on Social Studies in the United States in 1992 is also important in emphasizing how comprehensive this course is. According to this definition, social studies collaborate with different sciences such as anthropology, archeology, history, geography, law, economics, philosophy, political science, religion, psychology, and sociology. In addition to citizenship rights and responsibilities, the topics that include human rights, in general, are covered in the social studies course. In this light, social studies can be viewed as a course in which citizenship rights and obligations are taught to raise individuals who are responsive to human rights. In this context, the four main values, feeling valuable, equality, democratic education, and a culture of coexistence, that can be offered within the framework of citizenship and human rights in social studies courses are discussed below.
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Accepted 2021-07-08
Published 2021-07-25