English Café: An Initiative to Encourage Undergraduate Learners of Al-Asyah Province to Showcase Their Spoken Proficiency in English
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Activities, communicative competence, EFL learners, English Café, pronunciation, strategiesAbstract
This article advocates that spoken language is learned only when genuine communication and exposure occur, not when it is practiced simply as a set of structures or only when its grammar is learned. This research study demonstrates the possibility of exploring novel approaches to inspire non-native EFL learners in the Al-Qassim region of Saudi Arabia to master communication skills by establishing a linguistic club named English Café to showcase their spoken proficiency. The study sample consisted of undergraduates from level 1 and level 2 from the first year of the B.A. program. The methodology adopted was a descriptive-analytical method using a questionnaire and spoken activities to achieve the desired objectives. One major finding was that participants improved their communicative competence by participating in pronunciation and speaking activities through constant motivation, preferred learning style, self-interest, and willingness to participate naturally with expert guidance initially and constant practice after that.
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Accepted 2021-05-11
Published 2021-06-12