Using Dispositional Surveys to Improve Individual and Program Quality in Educational Leadership

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  • Dorothy Rea Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Cecil Carter Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Christopher Parfitt Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Judy Wilkerson Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Thomas Valesky Florida Gulf Coast University



Dispositions, social justice, assessment, program improvement, leadership


Assessment of dispositions provides valuable information for preparing new educational leaders. By using three dispositional instruments to meet national and state standards, we assess candidates at multiple points throughout a master’s degree leadership preparation program. The Educational Leader Candidate Belief Scale (ELCBS) had been previously validated, and the most recent revision focused on diversity and social justice issues. Comparing the results from the ELCBS to the expected responses, changes were made to the program and future needs were identified. In addition, results are used to provide remediation for individual students in facilitating the acquisition of dispositions. Assessment of dispositions is complex and consistent with accreditation standards and requirements for program approval, yet vital in ensuring students are able to lead inclusive schools.


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Author Biographies

Dorothy Rea, Florida Gulf Coast University

Associate Professor, Educational Leadership

Cecil Carter, Florida Gulf Coast University

Associate Professor, Educational Leadership

Christopher Parfitt, Florida Gulf Coast University

Coordinator, Program Assessment

College of Education

Judy Wilkerson, Florida Gulf Coast University

Professor, Research and Assessment

Thomas Valesky, Florida Gulf Coast University

Professor Emeritus, Educational Leadership


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How to Cite

Rea, D., Carter, C., Parfitt, C., Wilkerson, J., & Valesky, T. (2017). Using Dispositional Surveys to Improve Individual and Program Quality in Educational Leadership. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 4(2), 81–87.



Original Manuscript
Received 2017-09-25
Accepted 2017-12-11
Published 2017-12-29