The Opinions of Gifted Students about Leadership Training

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  • Uzeyir Ogurlu Harvard Univeristy, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Mehmet Naci Sevim Marmara University



gifted students, leadership, leadership training, focus group interview


The aim of this research was to identify gifted middle school students’ opinions and suggestions about leadership and leadership education. For this purpose, 65 gifted middle school students who have been attending the Science and Art Center were interviewed by using the focus group. The gifted students were asked open-ended questions about leadership and leadership training. Qualitative content analysis was employed. The results of the focus group interviews showed that majority of gifted students did not want to be a leader in the future because of some reasons including lack of self-confidence and avoiding taking responsibility. But the majority believed that leadership could be improved through training and wanted to participate in leadership training in schools. The participants suggested some various ways for leadership improvement of students in the schools such as teamwork or giving responsibilities.


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How to Cite

Ogurlu, U., & Sevim, M. N. (2017). The Opinions of Gifted Students about Leadership Training. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 4(2), 41–52.



Original Manuscript
Received 2017-08-18
Accepted 2017-10-16
Published 2017-12-29

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