Academic integrity in an emerging democracy: How university students in a former Soviet Republic balance achievement and success in education

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  • Michael Houdyshellm Florida Gulf Coast University



After the fall of the Soviet Union, former Soviet Republics found themselves needing to revise and sometimes create systems affecting their emerging democracies. In education for example, the former Soviet system of teaching and learning was now open for new and different methods of instruction and evaluation. In countries like the Republic of Moldova, the revision and creation of an educational system was made even more problematic as a multi-lingual and multi-ethnic population saw opportunities in more open and accessible pathways through education and into business. These opportunities gave rise to the pressures of success, and at times, by any means necessary. This has created an environment where academic dishonesty has become prevalent at all levels of education especially in higher education. This paper examines the attitudes, beliefs and practices of university students surrounding academic integrity in the Republic of Moldova.


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How to Cite

Houdyshellm, M. (2017). Academic integrity in an emerging democracy: How university students in a former Soviet Republic balance achievement and success in education. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 4(1), 14–25.



Original Manuscript
Received 2017-04-21
Accepted 2017-05-25
Published 2017-07-12