Student Challenges with the University Access Program in South Africa

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  • Lerato Sekonyela University of the Free State



academic support, university access programme, South Africa.


This paper reflects on experienced challenges by registered University Access Programme (UAP) students in South Africa. South African learners continue to face challenges in accessing institutions of higher education due to school performance. Therefore, to address this issue, the University of the Free State (UFS) in South Africa introduced UAP in 1993 to assist deserving students who did not meet university admission requirements due to underperformance at the school level. The UAP seemed to address the issue of access to higher education institution(s). However, once students gained access, they have faced several challenges. A Free-Attitude Interview (FAI) technique was used to identify the challenges that students experienced in UAP. Students indicated the need to improve academic support.


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Author Biography

Lerato Sekonyela, University of the Free State

Department of Psychology

Academic Facilitator


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How to Cite

Sekonyela, L. (2021). Student Challenges with the University Access Program in South Africa. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 8(1), 239–269.



Original Manuscript
Received 2020-10-13
Accepted 2020-11-06
Published 2021-01-23