Comparing the Psychological Well-Being of the Manjo Ethnic Minority with the Non-Manjo Ethnic Group in Kaffa Zone, Ethiopia

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  • Bizuayehu Dengechi Dachachi Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia
  • Nigatuwa Worku Woyessa Jimma University, Department of Psychology, Ethiopia
  • Fisseha Mikre Weldmeskel Jimma University, Department of Psychology, Ethiopia



ethnic minority, Kaffa, Manjo, psychological well-being.


This study examined the level of psychological well-being between the Ethnic Minority group, commonly called “Manjo,” and the majority group called “Gomero.” Psychological well-being questionnaires were administered to a sample of 298 (independent sample from both groups). The findings demonstrated that the non-Manjo (Gomero) Ethnic group possessed a considerably high level of psychological well-being. Statistical differences were found in participants’ psychological well-being across Ethnic groups. According to the results, participants from the Manjo Ethnic Minority group had a lower level of psychological well-being (M = 211.27, SD = 17.51) compared to the majority (Gomero). A statistically significant variation in psychological well-being (theoretically embodied across a broad spectrum of measurement units) among the two independent study groups was reflected. 


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Author Biography

Bizuayehu Dengechi Dachachi, Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia

My name is Bizuayehu Dengechi. I am lecturer in Mizan-Tepi university, college of social science and humanities, department of Psychology. Specialized in Master of Counseling Psychology.


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How to Cite

Dachachi, B. D., Woyessa, N. W., & Weldmeskel, F. M. (2021). Comparing the Psychological Well-Being of the Manjo Ethnic Minority with the Non-Manjo Ethnic Group in Kaffa Zone, Ethiopia. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 8(2), 21–38.



Original Manuscript
Received 2020-10-12
Accepted 2020-12-22
Published 2021-02-10