Rawls’s Theory of Justice and its Relevance in Analyzing Injustice on Ethnic Phenomenon
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Ethnic Conflict, Injustice, justice, theoryAbstract
The theory of justice explained by John Rawls is often used by researchers in a limited way and only to explain the problem of economic inequality which in turn raises conflict in society. Whereas, the theory of justice proposed by Rawls is very complex and comprehensive. Not only able to explain injustice in an economic context, precisely the Rawls theory of justice can be used to analyze the issue of ethnic injustice both in various aspects. By using a qualitative method based on literature review this paper aims to explore Rawls's theory of justice and its relevance in Analyzing Injustice on Ethnic Phenomenon. Finally, this paper also provide the recommendations to researchers who are concerned with the issue of ethnic conflict to be able to use Rawls's theory of justice as an alternative analysis tool capable of explaining injustice in ethnic issues.Downloads
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Published 2020-09-04