Perceptions of Bilingual Education Model in Spain: How to Implement a Bilingual Education Model in Turkey

Basque Country, Bilingual education, Turkish, Basque languageAbstract
The main target of the study is to examinethe bilingual education program in the Basque Country, and identify whether or not their bilingual education can be implemented in Turkey. In thisresearch study, we used a qualitative method including data collection through an open-ended survey and interview that illustrates the issues surrounding bilingual education in the Basque region. The survey and interviewencompassed30 participants from K-12 teachers and the scholars in the Basque Country. The participants’ answers from both survey and interviewwere gathered and analyzed. The researcher coded emergent themes in the survey and interview. According to results, the Basque region over the last decade has established a bilingual education model, which offers multiple options for the linguistic study of the Basque language, and this model is still a reputable ongoing bilingual education system. Since Turkey and Spain historically and politically have many similarities, the Basque bilingual model can be implemented in Turkey as well.
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Accepted 2016-06-20
Published 2016-06-28