Knowledge Mapping of Ethnic Identity and Acculturation Based on the Method of Bibliometric

Ethnic identity, Acculturation, Bibliometric analysis, Knowledge mappingAbstract
Ethnic identity and acculturation is a multidisciplinary research field. It is not easy for researchers to gain a panoramic view of the knowledge structure in this field. The bibliometric of knowledge mapping provides researchers with a scientific quantitative research method of statistics, description, and prediction of academic status and development trends. The purpose of this study is to help researchers understand the critical knowledge, evolution trend, and research frontier of the current research. Using bibliometrics software Citespace and Bicomb, this study analyzed 1557 bibliographic data in the Web of Science database and found that: 1)the research field development has gone through three stages, and we knew some representative critical scholars and key literature; 2) The literature knowledge mapping co-citation and the co-occurrence of keywords showed the research hot spots; 3) The results of burst detection and central node analysis reveal the research frontier and development trend. The globalization of the world economy has led to the rapid expansion of research objects from immigrants in the United States to the whole world. Meanwhile, there are still many disputes about theoretical models, constructs, and structural dimensions in the research field, which are the directions that future researchers need to study further.
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Published 2020-07-29