The Opinions of Primary School, Turkish Language and Social Science Teachers regarding Education in the Mother Tongue (Kurdish)
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Multicultural education refers to educational reforms conducted to sustain a peaceful, respectful, egalitarian society that allows for the development of empathy today’s increasingly pluralistic world. Multicultural education is regarded as an indispensible part of pluralistic societies. In such a context, it has become a topic of heated discussion in Turkey. As teachers are the performers of educational activities, their views on education in the mother tongue which constitute an important element of multicultural education, are highly important. The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of teachers regarding education in the mother tongue. A mixed method was used in the study. Quantitative data were obtained through the measurement of 8 items on the scale of “Teachers’ Views regarding Multicultural Education”. The scale was applied to 426 teachers in Diyarbakır province of Turkey. Qualitative data were obtained from interviews with 11 teachers who were determined through a purposive sampling method. The results of this study showed that teachers held positive views on education in the mother tongue and they supported education in the mother tongue although they were not fully aware of the scope of this education.
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Accepted 2015-12-04
Published 2015-12-31