Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Trait Emotional Intelligence of Slovaks in Comparison to Turkish Immigrants in Slovakia
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immigrants, mental health, post-traumatic stress disorder, trait emotional intelligence, Turks in Slovakia.Abstract
Objective: The study aim was to investigate the differences and prediction of post-traumatic stress disorder (further PTSD) by trait emotional intelligence (further EI) and its four factors (well-being, self-control, sociability, and emotionality) of two specific groups. Method: Research groups were immigrants coming to Slovakia from Turkey (N=104, Mage=35.4 years, /SD=10.2/) and national majority of the Slovaks living in Slovakia (N=264, Mage=33.2 years /SD=11.9/). PTSD was assessed by PCL-5 (PTSD Checklist for DSM-5, Weathers et al., 2013), and trait EI by Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue-SF; Petrides 2009) modified and adapted to Turkish and Slovak population. Results: T-test analysis and effect size estimation proved a higher level of PTSD for Turks in comparison to the locals (p≤.001; d=.54), though no differences were proved in trait EI and its four factors. Correlation and regression analysis revealed the higher level of trait EI is significantly related to lower level of PTSD (strong relations for the immigrants). Global trait EI level predicts significantly to a certain extent PTSD in both groups (for the Turks 54%, F (1,103) = 119.627, p≤.001), for the Slovaks 16%, F (1,263) = 50.526, p≤.001). Self-control was the only significant moderate predictor in both groups (p≤.001) whilst controlling for the other EI factors. Conclusions: The study emphasizes the need to educate, facilitate and support any man´s emotion-related personality traits, especially self-control skills, as a form of PTSD prevention.Downloads
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Accepted 2019-09-20
Published 2019-12-18