Intellectual Kurdistanbul – Approaching Istanbul As A Diasporic Experience

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  • Duygu Örs



internal diaspora, Kurdish Istanbul, urban ethnography.


Istanbul is the biggest Kurdish city. This fact, which might look controversial on the first sight, is the outcome of different waves of Kurdish migration to one of the biggest cities in Turkey – a country been direct perpetrator of these migrations. Kurdish migration to Istanbul is very diverse and has created many different experiences of the city. The article will focus on an intellectual Kurdish Istanbul, created and experienced by self-identified Kurdish Istanbulites, who engage with their identity in an intellectual and Kurdophile way.


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How to Cite

Örs, D. (2019). Intellectual Kurdistanbul – Approaching Istanbul As A Diasporic Experience. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6(2), 83–93.
Received 2019-06-20
Accepted 2019-07-13
Published 2019-08-16