Transmissions And Transformations: Comparing Danish Late-generation Ethnicity In America And Argentina

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  • Pernille Skovgaard Christensen Aalborg University
  • Trine Lund Thomsen Aalborg University



biographical narratives, Danishness, ethnic identity, ethnic practices, intergenerational transmission, late-generation ethnics.


This article explores the ethnic practices and self-perceptions of later generations of Danish immigrant descendants in the USA and Argentina. Through investigating their involvement in ethnic organisations and expressions of self-identification, it engages in a concurrent debate on how ethnicity appears in those, perhaps, final stages. The comparison between later generation ethnics in the two countries shows remarkable differences, despite similar backgrounds and comparable generational stages. The study also shows, however, that possibilities for exploring ethnicity seem crucial to later self-identification. Ultimately, therefore, this seems to play a central role in defining the contours of the acculturation process through the generations.        


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Author Biographies

Pernille Skovgaard Christensen, Aalborg University

PhD scholar

Centre for Migration and Diversity

Department of Culture and Global Studies

Trine Lund Thomsen, Aalborg University

Associate Professor,

Centre for the Study of Migration and Diversity

Department of Culture and Global Studies


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How to Cite

Christensen, P. S., & Thomsen, T. L. (2019). Transmissions And Transformations: Comparing Danish Late-generation Ethnicity In America And Argentina. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6(3), 27–40.



Original Manuscript
Received 2019-05-28
Accepted 2019-09-20
Published 2019-12-18