Language Branding: A Methodological Approach to Measuring the Brand of the Basque Language

Basque language, Brand, Ethnic, Luxurious, Local, National, Perception, Conflict. Ethnic Conflict. Ethnic Competition. Ethnic Management., ethnic culture, minority languagesAbstract
This article introduces a pioneering concept in the field of language promotion: language branding. Branding mechanisms offer a novel framework for modernizing and enhancing linguistic planning efforts. Drawing on brand analysis theories from the commercial domain, this study develops a methodology to assess the brand image of languages. Addressing brand image is essential, as the construction of a language's brand can significantly influence speaker preferences. The research presents the first applied case by analyzing the brand image of the Basque language, a minority language supported by an organized revitalization movement with both institutional and grassroots backing. The study employs an innovative methodology rooted in branding literature, adapting it to the linguistic field through a combination of qualitative exploratory methods (focus groups) and quantitative brand measurement techniques (surveys). The Basque language brand is evaluated across several hierarchical dimensions: awareness, associations, attitudes, attachment, and activity. The results reveal that Basque enjoys a high level of emotional attachment among speakers. However, its brand associations remain heavily tied to a symbolic and mythical traditional imagery, which limits its perception as a practical tool for everyday communication.
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