The Struggle of Traditional Religious Education in West Africa: The Case of Mahdara in Mauritania

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  • Benaouda Bensaid Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
  • Tarek Ladjal Effat University



Mahdara. Mauritania education. Islamic education. Religious reform.


Mahdara educational institution continues to play significant role in the shaping of Mauritania’s religious and cultural identity. As nomadic entity, it could maintain key position over the course of hundreds of time, and develop a unique African Muslim model of education, culture and mass religious thinking. However, following independence from the French colonial, the rise of Mauritania as nation state, alongside other serious problems associated with climate, modernity, and globalization, the fate of deterioration was inevitable. Today, the intense debate of Mahdara reform continues to sharpen between those proponents of the traditional religious education, modernists, and seekers of middle ground. This paper explores the struggle of Mahdara with those problems to better understand the factors causing its slow decline. This study concludes that Mahdara may even be vulnerable to extinction in the near future should there not be rescuing approach of reform which would blend modernity with tradition system.  


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Author Biographies

Benaouda Bensaid, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

Faculty of Islamic Sciences

Tarek Ladjal, Effat University

College of Art and Science


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How to Cite

Bensaid, B., & Ladjal, T. (2019). The Struggle of Traditional Religious Education in West Africa: The Case of Mahdara in Mauritania. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6(1), 152–161.



Received 2019-03-12
Accepted 2019-06-08
Published 2019-06-23