Navigating Racialisation and Whiteness: British Turks’ Struggles for Belonging in Multiscale Public Spaces within the UK

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Whiteness, Multi-scale Spatialities, British Turks, British Politics, Belonging, Intersectionality, Racialization


This paper explores the complex dynamics of racialization and whiteness within the context of British Turks’ pursuit of belonging in multiscale public spaces in the UK. It examines how these dynamics ultimately lead them to perceive themselves as “non-British” and affirm their place as “Other” within mainstream British society. Based on their experiences in multiscale spatialities, ranging from urban and provincial cities to university campuses and pubs, this study delves into subtle forms of exclusions and stigmatizations tied to differentiated ways British Turks are racialized, revealing how racial identities are constantly reconstructed and contested in these spaces. Based on the discourses of racialization and whiteness emanating from the social and political context in which xenophobia and Islamophobia emerge, the findings highlight the need to consider the intersections of race, ethnicity, culture, and religion in understanding how British Turks constantly question their place and belonging in the UK and confront racial boundaries and different forms of racisms including Islamophobia within various settings in Britain.


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Author Biography

Ozge Onay

Dr Özge Onay is a University Teacher specializing in Criminology, Sociology, and Social Policy at Loughborough University. Her commitment to academic inquiry led her to complete a Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of York, where she investigated the complexities of identity and belonging, particularly focusing on social inequalities such as poverty, race, gender, and social class. Throughout her research journey, spanning from 2019 to 2022, she integrated her academic pursuits with teaching experiences both in the UK and overseas, accumulating over a decade’s worth of expertise. Dr Onay’s scholarly contributions extend beyond the classroom, with notable publications in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Family Studies and Ethnic and Racial Studies. Her research interests encompass a broad spectrum, including the negotiation of racialization and whiteness, the impact of Islamophobia on identity and belonging, and the dynamics of immigrant communities within the context of contemporary society.


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How to Cite

Onay, O. (2024). Navigating Racialisation and Whiteness: British Turks’ Struggles for Belonging in Multiscale Public Spaces within the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 11(2), 105–122.



Original Manuscript
Received 2024-01-04
Accepted 2024-03-22
Published 2024-05-06