Incorporating The Social Justice-Oriented Pedagogies in the Teacher Education Program: A Case Study for Vietnamese Higher Education

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social justice, social justice-oriented pedagogies, emerging bilinguals, teacher education, language education, Vietnamese higher education


This qualitative research underscores the influence of social justice-oriented pedagogies on the growth of emerging bilinguals (EB) enrolled as teacher candidates in English language teacher education programs in terms of both linguistic, instructional, and long-term professional realms. Collaboratively conducted with dedicated pre-service student teachers (PST), this case study addresses cultural gaps and structural disparities in Vietnamese educational society. By delving into the expanding literature on these associated types of pedagogies within language education research, the case study involved 20 PST-EB in Vietnam. Engaging with social organizations, these PSTs integrated real-life experiences into their classroom knowledge production. The outcomes revealed that the PST developed an enhanced awareness of diverse worldviews, a heightened sense of responsibility towards marginalized communities, an inclination towards culture-oriented educational solutions to combat inequality and injustice, and improved skills for public knowledge dissemination. The manuscript explores these findings and delineates their implications.


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Author Biography

Ngoc Tung Vu, VNU University of Languages and International Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam

Ngoc-Tung Vu is an academic at RMIT, Australia. He is also a lecturer at University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research interests are intercultural communication, graduate employability, teacher education, and higher education. His works have been published in many high quality journals and book publishers. He can be contacted at


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How to Cite

Vu, N. T. (2024). Incorporating The Social Justice-Oriented Pedagogies in the Teacher Education Program: A Case Study for Vietnamese Higher Education. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 11(3), 162–186.



Original Manuscript
Received 2023-10-09
Accepted 2024-06-12
Published 2024-07-30