A Pragmatic Study on Managing Rapport in Responding to Reprimands in Jordanian Arabic

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Gender, Jordanian Arabic, rapport management approach, responses to reprimands, socio-contextual variables


This study aimed to investigate both the strategies Jordanians use to respond to reprimands and the impact of gender on them. Data were collected from 95 Jordanian university students at the Hashemite University using IDCTs, including Emotion Liker-Scales. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted utilizing Spencer-Oatey’s (2008) rapport management approach. Twelve strategies were used for responding to reprimands: illocutionary force indicating device, admission of responsibility, intermediate responsibility, denying responsibility, other responsibility-related examples, managing the problem, expressing reprimands, irony, and sarcasm, swearing, opting out, working out compromises and using violence. The results showed gender differences in the type and frequency of responding to reprimand strategies, reflecting good observance of the socio-contextual variables. The findings of the study revealed that Jordanian native speakers of Arabic took into account a rapport-enhancing perspective, weighing the costs and benefits, and rapport-threatening perspectives, including asserting autonomy and infringing upon principles of association and involvement. The study concludes with some pedagogical implications and recommendations for further promising research.


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Author Biographies

Nisreen Al-Khawaldeh, Department of English Language and Literature Faculty of Arts The Hashemite University Jordan P.O box. 330127 Zarqa 13133

Nisreen Al-Khawaldeh completed her PhD in Linguistics at the University of Bedfordshire (United Kingdom) in 2014. She is currently an Associate professor at the Department of English Language and Literature at the Hashemite University. She has wide-ranging teaching and assessment experience in different universities in Jordan. Her research interests lie in General Linguistics, TEFL, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Translation and Discourse Analysis. She participated in different related conferences and has many publications in these fields. 

Haneen Abuziad , Department of English Language and Literature Faculty of Arts The Hashemite University Jordan P.O box. 330127 Zarqa 13133

Haneen Abuziad completed her MA in linguistics at the Hashemite University (Jordan) in 2022. She works as a part-time teacher in a public school in Jordan.  She is interested in Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis and Translation.

Bassil Mashaqba

Bassil Mashaqba currently holds the position of associate professor in the field of linguistics. His research primarily centers on general linguistic theory, with a special emphasis on theoretical phonological and morphological aspects of language variations. Additionally, he has recently delved into the analysis of child speech and discourse analysis. Over the period spanning from 2015 to 2023, he has authored numerous articles that fall within these research interests.


Anas Al huneety

Anas Al huneety Anas al Huneety is an associate professor in Linguistics at the Department of English Language and Literature at Hashemite University in Jordan. He obtained his PhD from the University of Salford in Manchester, UK. His primary areas of expertise and interest include phonetics, phonology, and language acquisition.


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How to Cite

Al-Khawaldeh, N., Abuziad , H. ., Mashaqba, B., & Al huneety, A. (2023). A Pragmatic Study on Managing Rapport in Responding to Reprimands in Jordanian Arabic. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 10(5), 67–83. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejecs/1712
Received 2023-05-26
Accepted 2023-07-29
Published 2023-12-19