The Relationship between Emotional Expression, Life Satisfaction, and Psychological Resilience in Gay Men in Turkey
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gay men, life satisfaction, emotional expression, psychological resilienceAbstract
This study examined the relationship between psychological resilience, life satisfaction, and emotional expression levels in male gay individuals. This correlational study included 40 gay males who were LGBTI Association members and 40 heterosexual men who shared similar sociodemographic characteristics. Along with the informed consent form, the participants were given a sociodemographic form, the Expression of Emotions Scale, the Life Satisfaction Scale, and the Resilience Scale for Adults. Correlation analysis was performed to reveal the relationship between variables. Independent sample T-tests, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis analyses were used for group comparisons. Compared with heterosexual men, gay men scored higher on measures of emotional expression and resilience. According to the age of self-awareness and previous psychological therapy status, the ratings of gay males for expressing their feelings differ significantly. In addition, there was a significant difference in resilience scores according to smoking status. Male gay individuals have higher emotional expression skills and psychological resilience levels than heterosexual individuals. Additionally, it was found that emotional expression and life satisfaction were positively correlated in gay people.
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