Theoretical studies focused on gender discrimination against Roma women in the Czech Republic

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  • Marek Merhaut Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague



Equality, gender, Roma minority, religion and tender, race, discrimination, Romani women


Discrimination affects the lives of many Roma women in different areas of their lives. Issues such as unequal access to the labor market for women and men, domestic violence, stereotypical expectations of the roles of women in society, other expectations in education for women and men are deepening in the context of discrimination and ethnicity expectations. Roma women in the Czech Republic are among the groups most at risk of unemployment. However, repeated failures to find a job reduce their self-esteem and, unfortunately, predetermine their future use in the family circle and in the natural community where they are more or less the role of careers. Relationships in the Roma community are much stronger than usual in Czech society. Many Roma women have a subordinate position towards husband and other male family members. Roma families often do not allow a woman to study, according to her usual practice; she should take care of her family and children. The current need is to listen to the voice of Romani women who strive for full participation in the Czech society and to act in this sense also on the attitudes of their surroundings.


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How to Cite

Merhaut, M. (2019). Theoretical studies focused on gender discrimination against Roma women in the Czech Republic. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6(1), 28–44.



Received 2019-01-02
Accepted 2019-03-04
Published 2019-06-23