The Perceptions of English Teachers to the SIOP® Model and Its Impact on Limited English Proficiency
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the SIOP® Model, limited English proficiency, interest, understandable contexts, supporting language productionAbstract
Limited English proficiency is the difficulty in comprehension and production in English. In this study, the efficiency of the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model was examined to indicate the components that are lesson preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice and application, lesson delivery, review and assessment. The basic purpose of the research was to investigate how teachers improve the student’s language performance for limited English proficiency through using the SIOP® Model. In this paper, a qualitative research approach and semi-structured interview were used to discover the teacher’s perceptions about the SIOP® Model, and the research is to find out the problems in limited English proficiency. 10 participants (3 males and 7 females) aged from 26 to 34 (M = 30.9). The results indicate that the factors of SIOP® model can guide limited English proficient students and suggest some useful strategies for language teachers to handle the students’ difficulties in language comprehension.
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Accepted 2015-07-06
Published 2015-07-06