Identity Formation and Community Organization among Kurdish Diaspora in London

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  • Omer Ugurlu Sakarya University



diaspora, Kurdish, social network theory, ethnic community organisations


The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of Kurdish community organisations in preserving identity among the Kurdish diaspora in London. This study contributes to the discussion on ethnic community organisations and analyse the functions of social network theory among Kurdish community organisations in London. In recent years, there have been an increasing number of ethnic community organisations addressing the specific needs of these Kurdish communities, encouraging their cultural, social and diasporic identity. This study is grounded on a qualitative research design within case study approach. In-depth semi-structured interview employed for data collection. The findings of this study indicated that Kurdish community organizations are places for socialisation, friendship settings, an exercise in ethnic identity awareness and counselling.


Keywords: Diaspora, Kurdish, social network theory, ethnic community organisations.


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How to Cite

Ugurlu, O. (2014). Identity Formation and Community Organization among Kurdish Diaspora in London. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 1(1), 22–34.



Received 2014-12-18
Accepted 2014-12-25
Published 2014-12-30