Study of the Cultural Platforms of the Formation and Growth of Ethnic Challenges in Iran's Azerbaijan

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  • Mansour Salehi
  • Bahram Navazeni
  • Masoud Jaafari Nejad



formation and growth of ethnic challenges, Iran’s Azerbaijan, ethnic groups, national solidarity.


One of the issues and problems of Iran is the issue of ethnic groups and challenges that at times, in the past and in the contemporary era, endangered national solidarity and led to the collapse of its political systems. With the aim of finding the cultural context of ethnic challenges in Iran, this paper tries to provide appropriate strategies for managing ethnic diversity in Iran and to take appropriate policy in order to respect the components and culture of the peoples in order to increase national solidarity. In this study, we investigated the cultural context of the formation and growth of ethnic challenges that have been established and continued since the Constitutional Revolution in Azerbaijan. So, the main question is, “what is the most important cultural context affecting the formation and growth of ethnic challenges in Azerbaijan?”. The research method was a deep interview which was conducted after interviewing 32 related experts and after access to all the results, analysis of interview data and quantitative content analysis of all the results of the deep interview.

Findings of the research indicate that Emphasis on a country's language and cultural discrimination, and the non-implementation of Article 15 of the Constitution for Turkish speakers ( 39%) as the most important domestic cultural context, The impact of Turkish satellite networks (32%), and Influence of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the superior Turkish identity in the neighborhood of Iran ( 31%) Are the most important foreign policy for the formation and growth of ethnic challenges in Iran’s Azerbaijan.


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How to Cite

Salehi, M., Navazeni, B., & Jaafari Nejad, M. (2018). Study of the Cultural Platforms of the Formation and Growth of Ethnic Challenges in Iran’s Azerbaijan. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 5(2), 64–76.



Original Manuscript
Received 2018-07-12
Accepted 2018-09-24
Published 2018-12-09