Teachers’ Perceptions on Culturally Responsiveness in Education

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  • Kasım Karataş Dicle Universitesi
  • Behçet Oral Dicle University




Teachers, Culturally responsiveness, Culturally responsive teaching


The aim of this research is to examine the views of teachers, who take postgraduate education, regarding culturally responsive education. The research was carried out with 25 teachers who are from various branches and take postgraduate education in a big university in South-Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey in spring semester of 2014-2015. The pattern of the research is case study of qualitative patterns. The views of teachers joined the research were taken via semi-structured open-ended questionary form. According to the findings of the research, they emphasize that the education process should be maintained considering the cultural values. Besides, they think that will serve to development of cognitive and affective characteristics of the individual and social peace and integration. Therefore they advise to develop teaching programs that quicken cultural diversity. Lastly, the most of teachers utter that they don’t have enough self-sufficiency to give culturally responsive education. It is thought the reason is that teachers can’t expose their potential due to the training teacher system and teaching programs are deprived of providing that kind of education. Consequently, the education system, with its all components, should be such as to provide needs of people from various cultures.


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How to Cite

Karataş, K., & Oral, B. (2015). Teachers’ Perceptions on Culturally Responsiveness in Education. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 2(2), 47–57. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejecs/39



Original Manuscript
Received 2015-12-25
Accepted 2015-12-28
Published 2015-12-31